Friday 2/7 – Friday 6/6
1 HR
New York based actors Jennifer Bareilles & Patrick McCartney take the stories of the day and throw them out to improvise about whatever they want for an hour. A delicate blend of true human connection with the wildly inappropriate, Bareilles & McCartney aim to please….themselves.
Calendar for Bareilles & McCartney
7:00pm Buy Tickets The PIT Loft
New York, NY
7:00pm Buy Tickets The PIT Loft
New York, NY
7:00pm Buy Tickets The PIT Loft
New York, NY
7:00pm Buy Tickets The PIT Loft
New York, NY
7:00pm Buy Tickets The PIT Loft
New York, NY
The PIT Loft
154 W. 29th St., New York, NY, 10001