Saturday 2/15 – Saturday 6/14

1 HR


Fifth Floor Walkup is a fever dream of hysterical weirdness. It’s madcap, what-the heck-just-happened, screwball sketch comedy with a motley cast of Second City, UCB, and PIT-trained writer/performers. Fifth Floor stitches together a brand-new show every time with high-production sketches, original music, and digital shorts that’ll leave you in stitches and maybe thinking a little differently about the world.


Saturday, Feb. 15th… Fifth Floor Walkup Goes British! A three-act British-style sketch comedy show celebrating the wit, charm, absurdity, and propriety of ye old England. God save the King!


Featuring: DW Ardern, Curtis Stevens, Laura Lynn Lester, Graham McClanahan, Allison Love, Nick Adams Humphries, Mikayla Sherfy, Ian McPhee, and Gavin Budd.

Calendar for Fifth Floor Walkup


The PIT Loft

154 W. 29th St., New York, NY, 10001