Saturday 7/1 10:00 am
1-Day Intensive: $75
Join Kaci, Kareem, Roy, and Valerie for a 6-hour improv intensive you don’t want to miss. Intuitive narrative improvisation, long-form improv that tells an entire story, is the bread-and-butter of the award-winning work Parallelogramophonograph does.
After 17+ years and over 1000 shows together performing in over 65 national and international cities, PGraph has honed their very own brand of improvisational theatre using intuitive storytelling, complex relationships, bold characters, and a highly-connected group mind. In this 6-hour intensive, you’ll buckle down for a fun and immersive weekend learning some of PGraph’s favorite exercises, methods, theories, and tricks for creating dynamic improvised plays on the spot.
This workshop has sold out in the UK, US, Canada, and Australia and is limited to 16 students.