Thursday 10/17 7:00 pm
The 10TH ANNUAL NYC SKETCHFEST’24 is New York City’s premier sketch comedy festival, and one of the nation’s largest, runs Thursday, October 17th – Sunday, October 20th.
Judy Pryor was an assistant director of education, barista, mixologist, public nuisance, etc. etc. etc. But now, she brings to the stage a sketch show that will enlighten, frustrate and castrate your weekday blues. Prepare yourself for the production that critics have been calling (fill in the blank).
JUDY PRYOR is: Analyse Capodiferro, Jason Tyus Smith, Austin Tytel and Ava Whiteley.
Febster is a sketch show that will make you laugh (hopefully) and cry (hopefully not… unless paired with laughter). Please join us (Only if you want! No pressure though!).