Sunday 3/17 8:30 pm

THIS SAINT PATRICK’S DAY, TAKE COVER… UNDER OUR COMEDY FOUR LEAF CLOVER! Whether you’re queer, sober, or just repulsed by green beer, you’re invited to SAINT PATRICK’S SAFE SPACE, a comedy counter-programming extravaganza featuring a lineup of New York City’s hottest and most hilarious little leprechauns (comedians). Follow the rainbow FAR from the parade route and get after these lucky charms!


NYC comedian Michael John Ciszewski (Bowery Ballroom, Asylum NYC, Pete’s Candy Store) hosts and headlines after packing The PIT with solo shows LOVEFOOL and IF MEMORY SERVES—hailed as “required queer viewing” (BAPHTA), “gloriously bitchy” (The Arts Fuse), and “absolute gay nonsense” (Notes on Dan)! @xomichaeljohn