Thursday 4/18 8:00 pm

The Peoples Improv Theater proudly announces the 10TH ANNUAL SOLOCOM!
SOLOCOM NYC has launched over 400 new solo comedies that have gone on to longer runs, tours and festivals around the world (including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.) 
SOLOCOM NYC is a festival of new solo work. All shows presented are 75% – 100% new material, and are created specifically for the festival. SOLOCOM’s goal is to push artists to create a show that is meaningful, personal and to follow the fear.


Willie Zabar/ Hymie Wilhelm: The Last Laugh
This piece is a new chapter in the continuing story of Hymie Wilhelm, a character created by comedian Willie Zabar in 2012. Hymie is an eccentric musician from Germany who plays the musical saw and fought in World War I. Born to an uppercrust Jewish family in 1893, Hymie found himself bumbling through various roles in the Kaiser’s army including carrier pigeon shooter downer. During this show Hymie finds himself performing at a cabaret in interwar Berlin. He recounts his experiences in the war through story and song, and unreliably narrates the cultural and political changes he sees happening around him.


Sloan Brettholtz/ Officer Scott: Too Much Isn’t Enough
OFFICER SCOTT: Too Much Isn’t Enough is a semi-autobiographical solo clown extravaganza written and performed by Sloan Brettholtz. It follows a bumbling wannabe NYPD officer who just can’t quite make the cut. On a quest to answer the question, “Why is life worth living?”, he ends up saving one and falling in love. Underneath it’s a story about having the courage to open up your heart to new experiences, the nerve to be unapologetically yourself and celebrating queer pride/joy!


Bailey Swilley/ You’ll Regret It
In this new storytelling show, comedian Bailey Swilley discusses the lengths she’s gone through to remain childfree, while also facing some unforeseen backlash from family, friends and… God?
Ava Whiteley/ Q&A with a Real Life Shark
A shark has been sent from the ocean as part of a People Outreach Initiative to ease fears over the shark species as a whole. The Shark is tasked with answering the questions people have for sharks, but be prepared for Shark to get off track as their curiosity for humans takes over. (Its me! Ava! In a cheap shark costume!)