Saturday 4/12 8:30 pm

90 min


I Belong at Flannel Fridays – HOLLY SOUCHACK
Figuring out you’re queer is the easy part, thanks Youtube!, the real tricky part is finding out what spaces you belong in. In this new solo piece, Holly explores figuring out her sexauilty and attempting to find her place in the LGBTQIA+ community. What does it mean to be “straight appearing”? Can she have a boyfriend and still call herself “bi”? She has a septum, piercing sure, but does that mean she can attend Flannel Fridays, a mainly lesbian dance night? Where does she truly…belong?


Robocopera – NIKKI MULLER
Composed of original arias and “expert” commentary, Robocopera is equal parts love letter to Detroit’s greatest fictional hero and the operatic canon. (Watching Robocop beforehand is strongly recommended for maximum enjoyment.) A retelling of the classic 1987 action movie, sung entirely by one coloratura soprano in German (and a little Italian)? I’d buy that for a dollar!  


A gripping exploration of the methodical mind of a female stalker. Paralyzed by feeling lost and trapped in her own life, she follows others to discover new ways to live. A former runaway with a troubled past, she gets her second chance at life from the most unlikely project: by following and meticulously researching her high-achieving college classmate, whose life is in stark contrast to her own. On a desperate quest for direction and identity, her innocent admiration for him quickly becomes obsession.
SOLOCOM NYC has launched over 400 new solo comedies that have gone on to longer runs, tours and festivals around the world (including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.) SOLOCOM NYC is a festival of new solo work. All shows presented are 75%- 100% new material, and are created specifically for the festival. SOLOCOMs goal is to push artists to create a show that is meaningful, personal and to follow the fear.



The PIT Annex

156 W. 29th Street, Floor 2, New York, NY, 10001