Friday 4/11 6:00 pm

90 min


Have You Considered a Life in Piracy? My 6-Year Struggle with ScurvyMATT STORRS
Matt Storrs went to college and quickly developed scurvy. His doctor cleverly tricked him into revealing this diagnosis for years, which allowed many medical professionals to mock the would-be seafarer. He wasn’t alone; in the past two decades, scurvy rates have increased around the world. Often referred to as the “pirate’s disease,” it has potentially alarming symptoms, many of which Storrs’ doctors were quick to ridicule. This story serves as both a cautionary tale and an account of honest mistakes, and it might just save your teeth.


My House Is An HourglassJOSHUA PIPER
Ambrose is gonna suffocate in his house as sand pours in. How is he supposed to get every idea he’s thought about written in time before he succumbs to it?


In this hilarious and super relatable comedy, Gillian Gurganus spills the tea about her wild journey through love, heartbreak, and major personal growth after her First Serious Adult Breakup. Gillian takes the audience through all the messy feels of being sad in Europe, realizing a relationship is over, and learning some hard truths along the way. This story is all about owning your mistakes, finding yourself again, and yes—galaxy-printed bed sheets!


Selections from No. 1 in Heaven Starring Travels With Brindle  – CHELSEA SPEAR
The future and the past. Join ukulele ingenue Chelsea Spear as she throws Sparks’ groundbreaking electro disco album No 1 in Heaven back to the days of vaudeville and music halls.


(*still a work in progress) This show is about the misadventures of a lost guy after a relationship and the life cycle of a “Fuckboy”.
SOLOCOM NYC has launched over 400 new solo comedies that have gone on to longer runs, tours and festivals around the world (including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.) SOLOCOM NYC is a festival of new solo work. All shows presented are 75%-100% new material, and are created specifically for the festival. SOLOCOMs goal is to push artists to create a show that is meaningful, personal and to follow the fear.



The PIT Loft

154 W. 29th St., New York, NY, 10001