Friday 6/6 10:00 pm

1 Hr


The Shy Vaudevillian combines stand-up, storytelling, and handmade visuals to create a distinctly modern vaudeville experience where body dysmorphia, lotto scratch-offs, and mansplaining collide face-first with a banana cream pie! Join comedian and former ventriloquist dummy Christine Ferrera as she takes you on a guided tour through the history of comedy, including stops along the way to consider why feminism isn’t funny, what made Jerry Lewis cry and what happens when the shyest kid in town lands the lead in the school play. Using cutting-edge 19th-century technology, Ferrera recounts her journey to overcoming social anxiety and confronts her own fears about mortality, mental health, and Twitter handles. This hilariously unique show will resonate with performance art lovers, prop comedy nerds and anyone who’s ever been told to “smile more.”


Host: Brittany Carney
The Shy Vaudevillian: Christine Ferrera & Dan Hanrahan

Calendar for The Shy Vaudevillian


The PIT Loft

154 W. 29th St., New York, NY, 10001