Thursday 9/21 10:30 pm

Close your eyes and imagine it: futility. Defiance. The never ending task of the human condition, roundhouse-kicking any shred of resilience over and over and over again. Pretty crazy how you have to find meaning in an indifferent universe, right? We think so, too. So we’re interrogating it in mankind’s most noble form – sketch comedy at The People’s Improv Theater.
Join our narrator, who is LITERALLY SISYPHUS, as he uses yuks and har har hars to traverse the real events of history, including the creation of penicillin, the Mona Lisa, and that time Gutenberg made all those Bibles – all in hopes of finding out why, oh why, we are find meaning in trying. Also, there might be a caveman with a big ol’ club.

Not for the faint of heart.

Written by Kayleigh Birch and James Caven.
Featuring: Ryan Bender, Carly Kline, Grant McCord, James Caven, and Kayleigh Birch, with tech by Bernie Torres.