Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Freestyle Love Supreme,” a hip-hop improv show that started at the PIT, was picked up by the comedy streaming site Seeso this week. The show originally aired on Pivot in 2014.

From the New York Post:

But before he created the megasmash “Hamilton,” Miranda was honing his rapping skills in his hip-hop improv group Freestyle Love Supreme, made up of him, Anthony Veneziale, Chris Jackson, Chris Sullivan, Bill Sherman, Arthur Lewis and Utkarsh Ambudkar, and overseen by “Hamilton” director Tommy Kail. The group started performing at the People’s Improv Theater and then landed a TV show on the small cable network Pivot in 2014, which ran for 10 episodes.

Though FLS has moved on to television, The PIT offers hip-hop improv every week from North Coast. Built around a single suggestion from an audience member, North Coast’s improvised scenes escalate into full-blown hip-hop songs, facilitated by resident beatboxer and 2015 World Beatbox Champion, Kaila Mullady.

For more hip hop improv, catch North Coast Saturday nights at 9:00pm >>