Friday 3/21 – Friday 9/5
It’s gonna get weeeeeeeird with the Peoples Sketch Revues’ ABSURD TEAM! This team will present their gonzo take on intrusive thoughts and the mundane of the absurdi–or…wait, flip it. Our Absurd Team is directed by Jason Tyus Smith and will feature sketch comedy from... Sofia Pastena Brian Martin Marty Chandler Colleen Granberg Jordan Perry Patrick Walsh Katie Redden Spencer Giles Patrick Kohn PEOPLES SKETCH REVUES is a new series featuring SKETCH HOUSE TEAMS built by our theater, for our theater. These teams showcase the best of the best by presenting all forms of sketch comedy including MUSICAL, POLITICAL/TOPICAL and ABSURD/GONZO! These teams are representation of all the Peoples Improv Theater strives to achieve in the NYC comedy community.