QueerCom is Pride Weekend’s Unofficial LGBTQ Comedy Festival. 3 days of improv, stand-up, sketch, drag, storytelling, solo shows, musical acts, screenings, panels, full-length musicals, and anything else funny you can think of.

QueerCom is built to highlight New York City’s funniest LGBTQ comics in every medium.

(Got some pesky straight folks in your show? Great! Bring ‘em along!)

Submissions open until Monday, May 25th at 11:59 pm!

Do I have to do “gay” material?
Nah. We want to celebrate gay comedians, not necessarily gay comedy.

My improv team also has some straight folks. Can we still play the festival?
Heck yeah! Bring those straight folks along. We welcome everybody!

I’m straight as an arrow. Can I come?
As long as you promise not to throw around the phrase “straight as an arrow.” But seriously, we would love to have you. Come see what the incredible LGBTQ comedy scene is up to in our fair city!

How long are show slots?
30 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on the show.

What if my act/show is improvised and I have no way of guaranteeing a set that’s about gay stuff?
Check out question 1, friend! Also, I might argue that “gay stuff” is just the same as any other stuff. But that is a longer conversation.

Submit to QueerCom 2015