Saturday 3/11 10:00 pm

Sketchup, the only all-undergraduate sketch comedy group at the University of Maryland since 1996, is bringing you an unforgettable night of original comedic sketches. With 16 members each armed with a different comic background, Sketchup is proud to write and perform sketches that showcase a diverse range of styles. Balancing social commentary with fart jokes, Sketchup aims to make our audiences laugh by any means necessary. Come expecting big characters, hilarious mishaps, and huge laughs, as Sketchup takes on NYC!
Featuring: Eliza White, Lydia Hurley, Alyssa Caruso, Edward Cox, Geoffrey Zhang, Iman Syed, Jesse Skolnik, Jonathan Kitching, Jordan Li, Mathieu Prat, Michael Makfinsky, Nazneen Ansar, Scott Dobo and Shrey Rajesh