Saturday 4/20 10:00 pm

The Peoples Improv Theater proudly announces the 10TH ANNUAL SOLOCOM!
SOLOCOM NYC has launched over 400 new solo comedies that have gone on to longer runs, tours and festivals around the world (including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.) 
SOLOCOM NYC is a festival of new solo work. All shows presented are 75% – 100% new material, and are created specifically for the festival. SOLOCOM’s goal is to push artists to create a show that is meaningful, personal and to follow the fear.


Mark Stetson/ Solo Awkward Family Dinner
Based off of the improvised ensemble show Awkward Family Dinner, this is a solo scripted edition of the show. It is a deeply personal exploration into Mark’s real awkward family and a dinner that changed the trajectory of his life.


Austin Holmes/ Octopus are Overrated, and Other Such Related Observations
The purpose of my show is to lament current events in my life. An alien being, who presents as a cat, came beaming down from outer space recently and started stealing my family’s socks…I find this unfortunate. But all things considered, octopus are much worse. They have street cred as “intelligent”. Pff! Absurd! Dancing helps with feelings of grief. So does Pepsi. It all works out. I hope.


Alex Silverman/ Our Improvised Planet 
The performer (me) will do a 5 to 10 minute set improvising as various animals. A nature documentary voiceover will play, and the performer will act out what the narrator is describing the animal is doing.