Remember how summer camp as a kid was really fun? Guess what?? ADULT camping at The Peoples Improv Camp is WAY better!

PIT CAMP 2015 was a huge success! Not only did it sell out but everyone that came was perfect and made of magic and rainbows! The days were filled with sun kissed swims, rolling hill hikes and numerous improv & sketch classes by The PIT’s top instructors.

Lucas Hazlett hosted a The Phenomenology of the Now improv hike inspired by nature.
Joe Galen taught people how to juggle in his Clown For The Improvisor workshop.
Geoff Grimmwood taught improv fundamentals and stylings.
Jenn Welch curated Feelin’ It: Letting Your Scene Partner’s Choices Affect You
Katie Hartman hosted a improv workshop and also a Character Masterclass &
Tim Racine organized a sketch workshop around the campfire! WOW!

The nights were filled with fire roasted s’mores, campfire sketches and rowdy, rootin’ tootin’ improv jams! Not to mention how many beautiful lanyards and friendships that were made. #PITCAMP2015

PIT Camp took place August 21st- 23rd @ Camp Baker in Sloatsburg, NY on beautiful Lake Sebago!

Stay tuned for our upcoming PITventures!

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